NAUCC 2023
North American Unicycling Convention and Championships 2023
Bloomington, MN
July 16-22, 2023

Order of Group Freestyle Competitors

Order ID Name Etat
1 9, 10, 12 Ruby Claire, Ellie
Ruby Davison
Claire Nigon
Ellie Alt
Minnesota, Wisconsin
2 24, 56, 77 Alvin & the Chipmunks
Megan Johnson
Marin Cohan
Patricia Wilton
3 18, 32, 102 Avery, Zoey, and Melina
Melina Lee
Zoey Davison
Avery Williams
4 27, 28, 34, 35, 38, 65, 66, 68, 69, 81, 82, 130 MadUni Junior Team
Clara Felt
Annika Stringer
Kai Stringer
Ada Kelley
Mercy Felt
Jay Coleman
Soraya Garvey Shah
James Bach
Kendall Schoenecker
Maggie Coleman
Henry Bach
Rishi Garvey Shah
5 40, 120, 143 Grand-Guy and Grand-Sons
Todd Huntzinger
Jacob Huntzinger
Guy Hansen